
Here you can find and download the reports that have been created, the NLITED project material and much more.
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INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT: IO1 - Definition of competences

Report: Mapping Competences in Daylighting Education

This document reports the results of the first Intellectual Output O1 “Definition of Competences” of the NLITED project. Between January and February 2021, 14 workshops were conducted in the four partner countries (Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Poland). Sixty-four experts and stakeholders from the associated partnership network were involved. The result was a compilation of testimonials on the motivations of those working with daylighting, on the directions for courses on the eLearning platform and on future summer schools. This set of information is the basis for the creation of the NLITED project’s training offer consisting of an eLearning platform and two summer schools. The report is available in English, Italian, Polish, Danish and Swedish.

INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT: IO4 - Validated methodological approach

Report: Empowering Education. Unveiling NLITED's Three-Year Journey and Impact

This report overviews the three-year NLITED project (New Level of Integrated Techniques for Daylighting Education) and its key accomplishments. It outlines the development of the NLITED curriculum, highlights the involvement of experts, and emphasizes the methodology and outcomes. Additionally, it discusses the creation of an e-learning platform with educational modules, which serves as the foundation for practical applications in summer schools. Lastly, it presents a qualitative analysis of survey results administered to participating students. This report sheds light on the transformative journey and impact of NLITED in daylighting education. It can be considered a guide for methodological approaches for future projects on distributed education both for university students and professionals. The report is available in English, Danish, Italian, Polish, and Swedish.